Leadership Development Network (LDN)

Where People of the Four Corners Grow in Christ to Lead the Church

Do you feel God’s call to participate more fully in God’s mission for the churches? Perhaps you’ve discerned God’s voice calling you specifically to the work of pastor, elder, deacon, youth-leader, evangelist, worship-leader, teacher of children or adults. But you feel inadequate because you sense that this work requires preparation and training. And you see no way that you could quit your job, uproot your family, and move far away to attend Bible school or seminary.

Answer God’s call by developing your leadership abilities right here at home through the Red Mesa Leadership Development Network, which was established in  September of 2008. The first two years of the Red Mesa LDN are designed to equip lay leaders such as elders, deacons, youth leaders, worship leaders and teachers. The third year of training is focused specifically on the skills and knowledge required of pastors and evangelists. After completing the third year, a student will be well equipped to undergo examination by Classis. Potentially, he or she could be ordained as a Ministry Associate and could pastor a church in Classis Red Mesa or serve in a specialized calling such as music or youth ministry. 

Read reflections from our first class of LDN students.

The course is designed so that students can begin at the beginning of any school year. For more information and to find out how to enroll, please visit the LDN website.