About Us

What is Classis Red Mesa?

Classis Red Mesa is an ecclesiastical grouping of twenty Christian Reformed churches and missions in Northwest New Mexico and Northeast Arizona.  Our Classis is unique from the typical Classis because it was formed from the churches created as a result of the first missionary outreach established in the Christian Reformed Church.  Although we meet formally only three times a year, we work very actively together on various projects including the Red Mesa Leadership Development Network and Cottonwood Pass Bible Conference.

What is the Christian Reformed Church?

The Christian Reformed Church is a denomination that has about 300,000 members in 1,000 congregations across the United States and Canada. We often call ourselves "the CRC" for short.

What is a Classis?

A classis is a group of churches within a geographical area. It has the authority to deal with all church matters within its region. The CRC has 47 classes (plural of classis) within the US and Canada.